{!! 'Important: As per '. ucfirst('env') .'ato License terms, one '.'purchase code'.' is valid to use one application. '.'Please activate'.' the application into correct domain '. '/' .' path to '.'avoid any kind'.' of issues'.'.' !!}
{!! 'Caution: '.'The following data will be send to ' . 'Sof' . 'tnio' . ' server to validate your '. 'purchase information' .''.'.' !!}
{!! 'Registration Info:' !!} | {!! 'Purchase' . ' Code' . ', ' . 'Username & Email' !!} |
{!! 'Site' . '/' . 'App Name:' !!} | {{ base64_encode(site_info('name')) }} |
{!! 'Site' . '/' . 'App URL:' !!} | {{ str_replace(['https://', 'http://'], '', site_info('url')) }} |
{!! 'Installed' . ' ' . 'Version:' !!} | {{ 'v'.config('app'.'.'.'version') }} |
{!! 'Please Note:
'.'We will never collect any ' . 'confidential' . ' data such as '. 'transactions' .', emails or usernames.' !!}