@if (session()->get('system_error'))

{!! 'Cau' . 'tio'. 'n: Th'. 'e ap'. 'pli' . 'cat' .'ion sh'. 'oul'. 'd be '.''. 're' . 'gis' .'ter'. 'ed to un'. 'lock'.'' .' a' . 'll t' . 'he fe'. 'atu' .'res. Pl'. 'ea' .'se re'. 'gis'. 'ter wi'. 'th yo'. 'ur val'. 'id pu'. 'rch' . ''. 'ase in'. 'for'. 'mat'. 'ion.' !!}

@endif @if (!empty($errors) && !is_array($errors) && $errors->any())
@endif @php $paymentOption = (!active_payment_methods()) ? true : false; $mailSetting = (empty(gss('mail_recipient', '')) && gss('mail_from_email') == 'noreply@yourdomain.com') ? true : false; @endphp @if($paymentOption)

{{ __("Important") }}: {{ __("Setup at least one payment method to active deposit system.") }}

@endif @if($mailSetting)

{{ __("Caution") }}: {{ __("Application will send emails once you setup email configuration.") }}

@endif @if($updateManager->isUpdateAvailable() || $updateManager->hsaPendingMigration())

{{ __("Update Required") }}: {{ __("Application is required to update database, so please review and install the update.") }}
